Antoni Martí Monterde
Professor of Literary Theory and Writer
He is a lecturer in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at the University of Barcelona, as well as a writer. Apart from several articles on Walter Benjamin, Victor Klemperer, Joan Fuster and Josep Pla, among others, he has also published narrative: La erosión (Edicions 62, 2001; Minúscula 2019), an account of a literary trip to Argentina. As an essayist, he has published the books JV Foix o la soledad de la escritura (Edicions 62, 1998) and Poética del Café. Un espacio de la modernidad literaria europea (Anagrama, 2007, Hurtado and Ortega, 2011).
He is also the author of Un somni Europeu. Historia intelectual de la Literatura Comparada (PUV, 2011) and El Far de Løndstrup. Assaig sobre la memòria moral els espais (Valencia, PUV, 2015). He has edited and prefaced works by Xavier de Maistre: Viatge a l'entorn de la meua cambra (Valencia, PUV, 2006), Victor Klemperer: Assaigs (PUV, 2008) and Cultura (Ediciones UB, 2019), and Ernst Robert Curtius: L'Espíritu alemany en perill (PUV, 2008), Crisi de l'Humanisme (ela geminada, 2011), among others.
His latest books are Joan Fuster: La paraula Assaig (Asuntos, 2019) and Paris, Madrid, New-York: Les ciutats de lluny de Josep Pla (3i4, 2019), Joan Fuster Prize at the October Awards 2018, L'home impacient (Bullent, 2020), Valencia Essay Prize 2019 and Stefan Zweig. Els suicidis d'Europa (Leonard Muntaner, 2020) and Nosaltres, els europeus (Pagès editors, 2022).